Tuesday, September 27, 2016


                                          To start with, this is a really different book. ( The sort I usually do not read !). When I read the back cover I thought it was science fiction or something. "An ordinary man wakes up on an ordinary day to find that he's the only living creature in the city...".

                                      The protagonist is Jonas who wakes up and finds nobody. Nobody answers the phone, there is nothing on the TV etc. Soon he kicks into action trying to find people, Slowly he starts thinking more and more. Now when he sleeps he is like a different entity, "The sleeper". He films himself sleep and watches it, he rides around in various cars, anything that could give him a clue. He turns to himself too. He visits his old home, redesigns his flat etc. 
                                        It gets more and more mad with absolutely no hope. Now I couldn't really understand the book but I think there are various ways to explain this. I like some of the thoughts that Jonas has too. It is a psychological thriller. I think all book lovers must read this. Please do read this book. Oh and check out this blog after you read :This Space ( This Space: Thomas Glavinic : Night work). All the best !

Sunday, June 26, 2016


                                              OK..This book is not the kind of conventional books I usually read. When I read the back cover, I thought well this sounds exactly like a Hollywood teen film. But I found out it was not an useless read....It is about a kid growing up..slowly and sometimes recklessly. This particular kid(Charlie) has some issues and I think some readers can identify with Charlie ( at least in some aspects!). 
                                               There are also some characters you may love. As for me I like this teacher of his who gives him great books to read ( Charlie is really gifted in language). Another thing I like about this book is how it portrays the modern family; lots of problems but still lots of love. Altogether it is a good read ( I think for 18+!).